UNISON members at Sandwell College are voting on this years pay offer after negotiations with College management, alongside the UCU, concluded. The offer being put out to vote is for a 5% increase on all pay points, plus an increase in mileage from 40p to 50p per mile. These increases are due to commence from …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/vote-on-sandwell-college-pay-offer-2024-25/
Sandwell Shows Solidarity on International Workers’ Day
On 1st May UNISON Officers and activists collected for Medical Aid for Palestinians, the charity recommended by UNISON nationally. From outside the Council House in Oldbury and the Wellman Building we collected £311.96 and was well received. For those who had no cash and want to donate direct this is the link to the website …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/sandwell-shows-solidarity-on-international-workers-day/
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/unison-members-reject-sercos-pay-offer/
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/why-council-workers-and-school-support-staff-deserve-10-or-3000-pay-rise/
Sandwell College 2024/25 Pay Claim
A joint UCU and UNISON pay claim has been submitted to Sandwell College for 2024/25. The claim is for 10% on all pay points and includes a request to increase car mileage rates to 55p per mile. The 55p per mile mileage rate would then match Sandwell Council’s. The claim of 10% has been made …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/sandwell-college-2024-25-pay-claim/
UNISON AGM Celebrates 50 Years of Sandwell
For the first time at a UNISON AGM the Council Leader, Kerrie Carmichael, and Mayor, Bill Gavan were invited to attend and celebrate 50 years of Sandwell. That’s 50 years of providing services to make Sandwell a better place to live for all its residents. In front of a full council chamber they met former …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/unison-agm-celebrates-50-years-of-sandwell/
2024/25 NJC Pay Claim Submitted
The NJC pay claim has been submitted to the employers. It is as follows:- An increase of at least £3,000 or 10% (whichever is greater) on all spinal column points In addition: Reviews of the gender, ethnicity and disability pay gaps in local government A 2-hour reduction in the working week with no detriment An …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/2024-25-njc-pay-claim-submitted/
2024/25 NJC Pay Claim and the AGM
The NJC pay claim for 2024/25 is hopefully being submitted to the employers by the end of the week. We are still awaiting the viewpoint from one of our sister trade unions before finalising the joint trade union pay claim. Hopefully, we will be able to feedback details of this at our AGM on Tuesday …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/2024-25-njc-pay-claim-and-the-agm/
Serco Pay Claim 2024 Submitted
The Joint Trade Unions at Serco in Sandwell have submitted the following pay claim for this year as follows:- 8% pay increase across all elements of pay Harmonisation regarding annual leave in line with ex local authority employees Harmonisation regarding sick pay in line with ex local authority employees Negotiations with Serco are about to …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/serco-pay-claim-2024-submitted/
2024 Mary Macarthur Lecture Friday 22 March
2024 Mary Macarthur Lecture – Fran Heathcote Council Chambers, Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street Oldbury B69 3DB | Fri 22 March | 7.30pm Reserve your place at this year’s Mary Macarthur Lecture and hear from the new PCS General Secretary Fran Heathcote. The Mary Macarthur Lecture is an opportunity for leading women to outline the challenges they see facing …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.sandwellunison.co.uk/2024-mary-macarthur-lecture-friday-22-march/