Coronavirus Advice

Events around Coronavirus changes on a daily basis. If you are affected by Coronavirus then please click on the attached, which contains numerous links you may find helpful.

In the first instance you should discuss with your line manager – as with any other situation where you cannot attend work.

To remind you of the NJC terms and conditions that applies to council and school based staff the following paragragh applies.

‘Green Book’ sickness scheme at Part 2 Para 10.9, as follows:
“An employee who is prevented from attending work because of contact with infectious disease shall be entitled to receive normal pay. The period of absence on this account shall not be reckoned against the employee’s entitlements under this scheme”

In the event that an employee is required to self-isolate or is placed in quarantine, the provision above should be applied.

In other words – being quarantined for Coronavirus should not be counted as sickness.

workforce – NJC – NJC circular Coronavirus 12 February 2020

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